almost blogged for 7 months straight.
Sometimes I sat down to blog, and got too deep, too fast. Felt like a sermon instead of just talking. Soapboxing. Other times, I tried, and just couldn't get my thoughts together. But I'm going to try to get back into it, slowly, but surely.
It's been a day. I couldn't think straight when I first woke up. Couldn't remember what day it was, or even what city I lived in. Ever have that feeling? I'd been up in the night with Stephen (I'll spare you the details of our latest stomach virus), and just couldn't get my thoughts together.
*I almost forgot to wake up David. Or re-wake him up. Exactly how many times should you have to go back in a teen's room, to be sure he's up? Well, he & Michael made it out the door on time. Well, almost...not as late as we normally consider late.
*Then at breakfast, I almost made paprika toast instead of cinnamon toast! Why do they both have red lids, anyway? Makes no sense to me!
*I also almost lost it when an unnamed Wilson said "Make my breakfast, Stupid!" ~ to me. The person said it to ME! Three or four lectures later, as I was dropping off kids at school, I almost turned the wrong way, not knowing which rat race I was supposed to be in. The kids laughed at me. I guess I laughed, too.
*Later, I almost forgot to call the school to let them know Stephen was sick. Oops, I never got through to the voicemail. Guess I'll send a note tomorrow. That'll have to do!
*And today was our ladies' Bible study brunch, a share time for the Revelation study. I almost made myself go, although I was dragging. It's the right thing to do, right? Keep commitments, I told myself. And I'd planned to take Chicken Picante. But then I realized there was fever with my sinus headache (it's better tonight, Mom), and made the call to my leader...I was also going to sing a song I wrote, but obviously God had other plans. So Stephen and I took it easy.
*This afternoon, a Write About Jesus friend, Cory Edwards, met me on Skype to write a song...we almost finished it...not bad for our first co-write! And it's a great song! We started another one, too.
*It was almost 3pm when I realized I never had my coffee.

Tonight was laundry & dishes...and of course, I almost finished them.
As I started looking at the day, at all the things I almost did, projects unfinished, etc, I felt a bit defeated. That's when that gentle, quiet voice whispered GOOD into my ear. I did spent time in God's Word. And in prayer. I did share my faith in Christ with someone. I did have a long conversation with a friend about loss. And I did feed my family, something. Can't remember what it was! And I was able to do some bookkeeping and housework, answer some emails, and no telling what else!
And the Voice brought two Scriptures to mind:
Exodus 17:4
Then Moses cried out to the LORD, "What am I to do with these people? They are almost ready to stone me."I know the feeling, Moses...I know the feeling!!!
Luke 24:28-30
As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus acted as if he were going farther. But they urged him strongly, "Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over." So he went in to stay with them.
When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them.That's how I feel about this day, Lord...stay with us...it's almost over...