I love numbers (ya know!!) and I thought it was funny that some of 2010 came in groups of 2.
2 of our kids accepted Christ, and were baptized…Hannah & Stephen (and we’re thankful that all the other kids were able to attend)
2 graduates…David graduated from Kingwood Park High School. Liz graduated from SFASU.
2 kidney sonograms (but all’s well…it was just really weird)
2 kids DIDN'T change rooms. All the rest did! What a mess...
2 ER visits (glad that’s behind us!)
2 “Getaways” – Barry & I celebrated our 25 anniversary in Gatlinburg, TN, and also spent a few days in Richmond, VA
2 Songwriting trips – "Write About Jesus" in St. Louis, MO & "You Can Write a Song" in Nashville, TN
2 girls working overseas!!!
2 girls taken off our auto insurance (ok, so, yes, I HAD to mention this!!!)
And last, but not least, 2 grandbabies! Not born, but HUGGED!!! We welcomed Jacob’s little brother, Levi, into our lives…what a precious gift LIFE is! Thank You, Lord!!! The boys are such a joy!!! Barry and I love being grandparents!
Then there’s the number 1. The number of cars added to the fleet. The number of vans we retired (I understand Old Blue is in Oldsmobile Heaven). The number of fender-benders in 2010. The number of teen drivers added to our insurance...oh, I should’ve quit while I was ahead…