Monday, October 27, 2008

why I don't blog more often

Ms. _____,

I have a question about the answers
on the homework that was checked in
3rd period on Oct 27. _________ made a 40.
I was surprised at that.

Can you explain why
"37 is lesser than or equal to 17-2x"
was marked wrong,
when his answer was
"-10 is less than or equal to x".

He took -17 from both sides,
which left "20 is less than or equal to -2x".

Then divided both sides by -2,
which gave the answer of
"-10 is less than or equal to x"

That's one example of how he solved it
by the same rules used in #1 & #2,
which were done in class.

He had planned to go to tutoring,
but I checked his homework and thought I helped him!

Can you give me the answers to that worksheet,
or let me come to tutoring?


Eva Wilson
note to self:
don't spend hrs trying to figure out homework!!!


Tim Wheeler said...

My head hurts.

eva said...

hahaha mine, too!!

i've gotten emails from several ppl who read this blog

but no reply from the teacher

ya think she's reading the amail aloud in class about now???

lisi said...

i'm already buzzin;.. woo!
you go eva! now that's algebra fun!
love you so!