Remind me!!! I forget to blog! But I forget a LOT of things lately! If it weren't for my cell phone alarms, the world would see a lot more Wilson's sitting on more curbs:)
I have an alarm set on my phone for 5:50 am, to get Jonathan up so he can make it to basetball practice. I pray immediately, asking the Lord to "help" Stephen sleep another hour. Nothing like a 1st grader crying for me to make his lunch at 5:50 a.m....2 hrs before he leaves for school!!! :)
No need to go back to sleep, since David & Michael need up soon. I try to squeeze in some quiet time. Sometimes it's quieter than others!!!
Next comes the challenge: simultaneously awaken the 3 elementary kids. It has to appear to each child that they are the first one up. It's a game. Whispering to each "would you go wake up the others?" Each stays in bed, saying "You always ask me to get them up!" So we're safe.
Yes, sibling rivalry dominates in our home. You should see me make their sandwiches at the same time, so they can all three say "Mom made mine first!!!!" Oh, and filling the water bottles is even more fun!!!
Usually, Barry does the morning carpool run. That is such a huge blessing for me!! And for the kids & their friends. But when he has a meeting, well, let's just say GONE IS THE BLESSING!!! Mornings were voted least likely to succeed, in a poll that included BOTH of my eyelids!!! Oh, that's funny. Remind me to be funny. Real, but funny.
Afternoons are similar, with alarms set, to remind me to be home when some of the kids are to arrive, and to help me remember to go pick up those junior high boys. Lord help me!!!
OK, this is a little sidenote, but I thought it was interesting...this is Psalm 90:12-17 in The Message....
Oh! Teach us to live well!
Teach us to live wisely and well!
Come back, God—how long do we have to wait?—
and treat your servants with kindness for a change.
Surprise us with love at daybreak;
then we'll skip and dance all the day long.
Make up for the bad times with some good times;
we've seen enough evil to last a lifetime.
Let your servants see what you're best at—
the ways you rule and bless your children.
And let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us,
confirming the work that we do.
Oh, yes. Affirm the work that we do!
"Come back, God" ummmm Did He leave? And notice line for "treat your servants with kindness for a change." I can almost hear the ppl lamenting!!! That is so ME!!! Remind me NOT to ask God to do something "for a change" ~ never!!!! I'm not sure about the skipping and dancing part, either.
Remind me, Lord, to see your love at look to You as you rule and bless Your children...remind me, Lord...
eva! love this.. hehehehehe
the joy of mommahood!!! love the message/wording with this scripture..
you are an inspiration and a blessing to me~
i love you, and hope that we can visit, for reals... someday very soon! whatcha doing for thanksgiving?!! :-)
talk soon!! i hope.. love, lis
hey eva!!!
just sent you a blog tag!! it's on my blog today~ please check it out! hehehehehehe
one more thing to 'request'!! :-)
love ya, hope you're doing well! lis
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