Today I had lunch with a good friend. Afterwards, I was on the way to drop off at her house, when my cell phone rang. It was a # I didn't recognize, but I always answer because I never know whose phone my kids might use.
It wasn't one of my kids.
I kid u not, this guy says this is _____ with Fuddrucker's, then asked for me by name.
He then explained that he was drawing business cards for the free meals of the month at Fuddruckers. I didn't hang up, because I did drop a business card there, last time I ate at Fudd's.
He said he noticed I'm a songwriter, and asked if I ever need anyone to sing my songs!
His story goes on like this: they're cutting my hours, and I'm looking for ways to make some money on the side!!
He said he used to sing, and his voice is coming back. And as a matter of fact, that he was in the mood to sing!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
though it cost all you have...
It recently dawned on me that this year is the only time we'll have 2 kids in elementary, 2 in middle school, 2 in high school, and 2 in college.
David graduates from high school this May, just after Liz graduates from college with her teaching certificate.
Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7
David graduates from high school this May, just after Liz graduates from college with her teaching certificate.
Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
...and He will lift you up
We've been studying James in Sunday School. Last week's lesson was on humility, and I ran across this list in my Bible today:
Characteristics of a proud, unbroken spirit as compared to a humble, broken spirit:
1. Proud people focus on the failures of others.
Broken people are overwhelmed with the sense of their own spiritual need.
2. Proud people are seIf-righteous- have a critical, fault-finding spirit looking at everyone else’s faults with a microscope but their own with a telescope. They look down on others.
Broken people are compassionate. They can forgive much because they know how much they have been forgiven. They think the best of others and esteem all others better themselves.
3. Proud people have an independent, self-sufficient spirit.
Broken people have a dependent spirit and recognize their need for others.
4. Proud people have to prove that they are right.
Broken people are willing to yield the right to be right.
5. Proud people claim rights and have demanding spirit.
Broken people yield their rights and have a meek spirit.
6. Proud people are self-protective of their time and their rights and their reputation.
Broken people are self-denying.
7. Proud people desire to be served.
Broken people are motivated to serve others.
8. Proud people desire to be a success.
Broken people are motivated to be faithful and make others successful.
9. Proud people desire for self-advancement.
Broken people desire to promote others.
10. Proud people have a drive to be recognized and appreciated and are wounded when others are promoted and they are overlooked.
Broken people have a sense of their own unworthiness and are thrilled that God would use them at all in any ministry, they are eager to give others the credit and they rejoice when others are lifted up.
11. Proud people have a sub conscious feeling this ministry is privileged to have me and my gifts and they think of what they can do for God.
Broken people have a heart attitude that says I don’t deserve to have any part in this ministry and they have nothing to offer to God, but the life of Jesus flowing through their broken lives.
12. Proud people feel confident in how much they know.
Broken people are humbled by how very much they have to learn.
13. Proud people are self conscious.
Broken people are not concerned with self at all.
14. Proud people keep others at arm’s length.
Broken people are willing to risk getting close to others and loving intimately.
15. Proud people are quick to blame others.
Broken people accept personal responsibility and can see where they were wrong in a situation.
16. Proud people are unapproachable.
Broken people are easy to be entreated.
17. Proud people are defensive when criticized.
Broken people receive criticism with an open, humble Spirit.
18. Proud people are concerned with being respectable and what others think and working to protect their own image and reputation.
Broken people are concerned with being real what they care about is what God knows and are willing to die to their own reputation.
19. Proud people find it difficult to share their spiritual needs with others.
Broken people are willing to be open and transparent with others as God directs.
20. Proud people want to be sure that no one knows they have sinned to cover up.
Broken people are willing to be exposed because they have nothing to lose.
21. Proud people have a hard time In saying, “I was wrong, will you forgive me.”
Broken people are quick to admit their failures and seek forgiveness when necessary.
22. Proud people in confessing their sins, tend to deal in generalities.
Broken people are able to deal with the specific conviction of God’s spirit.
23. Proud people fear consequences of their sin.
Broken people are grieved over the cause the root of their sin.
24. Proud people are remorseful they got found out.
Broken people are repentant over their sin which is evidenced by the fact they forsake them
25. Proud people when misunderstood in relationships, wait for the other one to come and ask for forgiveness.
Broken people take the initiative to see if they can get to the Cross first no matter how wrong the other may have been.
26. Proud people compare themselves with others and feel worthy of honor.
Broken people compare themselves with the holiness of God and feel a desperate need for mercy.
27. Proud people are blind to their real heart condition.
Broken people walk in the light.
28. Proud people think they have nothing to be repentant of.
Broken people realize that they have a need of a continual heart attitude of repentance.
29. Proud people are unbroken and don’t think they need revival, but they are sure everyone else does.
Broken people continually sense their need for a fresh encounter with God for a fresh filling of His Holy Spirit.
Food for Thought:
Luke 18:13-14 And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Romans 12:16
Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.
James 4:6
But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”
James 4:10
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
1 Peter 5:5 Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”
Characteristics of a proud, unbroken spirit as compared to a humble, broken spirit:
1. Proud people focus on the failures of others.
Broken people are overwhelmed with the sense of their own spiritual need.
2. Proud people are seIf-righteous- have a critical, fault-finding spirit looking at everyone else’s faults with a microscope but their own with a telescope. They look down on others.
Broken people are compassionate. They can forgive much because they know how much they have been forgiven. They think the best of others and esteem all others better themselves.
3. Proud people have an independent, self-sufficient spirit.
Broken people have a dependent spirit and recognize their need for others.
4. Proud people have to prove that they are right.
Broken people are willing to yield the right to be right.
5. Proud people claim rights and have demanding spirit.
Broken people yield their rights and have a meek spirit.
6. Proud people are self-protective of their time and their rights and their reputation.
Broken people are self-denying.
7. Proud people desire to be served.
Broken people are motivated to serve others.
8. Proud people desire to be a success.
Broken people are motivated to be faithful and make others successful.
9. Proud people desire for self-advancement.
Broken people desire to promote others.
10. Proud people have a drive to be recognized and appreciated and are wounded when others are promoted and they are overlooked.
Broken people have a sense of their own unworthiness and are thrilled that God would use them at all in any ministry, they are eager to give others the credit and they rejoice when others are lifted up.
11. Proud people have a sub conscious feeling this ministry is privileged to have me and my gifts and they think of what they can do for God.
Broken people have a heart attitude that says I don’t deserve to have any part in this ministry and they have nothing to offer to God, but the life of Jesus flowing through their broken lives.
12. Proud people feel confident in how much they know.
Broken people are humbled by how very much they have to learn.
13. Proud people are self conscious.
Broken people are not concerned with self at all.
14. Proud people keep others at arm’s length.
Broken people are willing to risk getting close to others and loving intimately.
15. Proud people are quick to blame others.
Broken people accept personal responsibility and can see where they were wrong in a situation.
16. Proud people are unapproachable.
Broken people are easy to be entreated.
17. Proud people are defensive when criticized.
Broken people receive criticism with an open, humble Spirit.
18. Proud people are concerned with being respectable and what others think and working to protect their own image and reputation.
Broken people are concerned with being real what they care about is what God knows and are willing to die to their own reputation.
19. Proud people find it difficult to share their spiritual needs with others.
Broken people are willing to be open and transparent with others as God directs.
20. Proud people want to be sure that no one knows they have sinned to cover up.
Broken people are willing to be exposed because they have nothing to lose.
21. Proud people have a hard time In saying, “I was wrong, will you forgive me.”
Broken people are quick to admit their failures and seek forgiveness when necessary.
22. Proud people in confessing their sins, tend to deal in generalities.
Broken people are able to deal with the specific conviction of God’s spirit.
23. Proud people fear consequences of their sin.
Broken people are grieved over the cause the root of their sin.
24. Proud people are remorseful they got found out.
Broken people are repentant over their sin which is evidenced by the fact they forsake them
25. Proud people when misunderstood in relationships, wait for the other one to come and ask for forgiveness.
Broken people take the initiative to see if they can get to the Cross first no matter how wrong the other may have been.
26. Proud people compare themselves with others and feel worthy of honor.
Broken people compare themselves with the holiness of God and feel a desperate need for mercy.
27. Proud people are blind to their real heart condition.
Broken people walk in the light.
28. Proud people think they have nothing to be repentant of.
Broken people realize that they have a need of a continual heart attitude of repentance.
29. Proud people are unbroken and don’t think they need revival, but they are sure everyone else does.
Broken people continually sense their need for a fresh encounter with God for a fresh filling of His Holy Spirit.
Food for Thought:
Luke 18:13-14 And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Romans 12:16
Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.
James 4:6
But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”
James 4:10
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
1 Peter 5:5 Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Q&A's re: being a songwriting mama
I've recently had some questions trickling in, and a friend told me I should just blog about some of it. My walk with God has had some unexpected bends in the road, as He has led me into a songwriting ministry. I will try to address a few things in this note...hope this helps!!! :)
Q: Why don't you make a CD?
A: God hasn't put that on my heart. My desire is to honor God with the words of my heart and the meditation of my heart. Sometimes I work on the music, too, but I'm really not a vocalist. Fine in the choir, maybe. Ha.
Q: How do you write online?
A: Pray! Pray! Pray! We need the Lord to meet with us, in each and every co-writing session! Then we use Email, Instant Messaging, Facebook, GoogleDocs, Myspace, and even texting! Sometimes it's all of the above along with long phone calls! Or leaving messages on each other's phones, when we can't get to the computer to record an idea ;)
Q: How do you find time to write?
A: How do you find time to breathe? OK, so that's not a fair question, but it's similar. There's such an awareness of the songwriting "part" of me that it's almost a reflex. I rarely say "oh, I think I'll write a song today" just as we don't say "oh, I think I'll inhale today." It's a response to life, and at the same time, a release. It comes and goes like a breath of fresh air. But when I have a co-writing appointment, I get antsy and nervous and lack confidence. Our confidence must be in the Lord, that we are following His call. It's like He whispers in my ear: Child, in all humility, stand tall.
Q: Have you written a song for each of your nine kids?
A: That's in the process. December Rain was inspired by Stephen's birth on 9/11/01. Then when Liz left for a semester in Niger, I wrote Brave Heart. Ruth's graduation from high school launched Eyes of Blue. I do some others in the works, but it's better to wait til they're ready to share. Some are more of a comic relief than anything. Someday I'll share! I did write a lyric for my grandson, Jacob, called I Choose You, but the music isn't finished. Oh, and there's a Mama song, called Holiday from Being Mama that Mitch Townley & I wrote...we should finish that!
Q: Did your parents write songs? How about your kids?
A: My parents always had a song in their hearts. I miss my Dad...He went to be with the Lord in '07. Moma still sings to my kids on the phone. I have such a precious heritage, and I'm thankful for that! Hmmmm...the kids...the older ones seem to have a deep appreciation for my attempts to write. The younger ones? I think they're confused. The other day we were in a store and they heard an old classic song and one said to the other, "Don't sing so loud." To that, the little singer said, "We can sing it as loud as we want to...cuz Mom wrote that!" I do hope they will write, whether it's songs, books, poetry, journals, blogs, facebook statuses...the list goes on!
Q: Where can I buy your songs?
A: While I do offer a few free songs if you sign up as a fan @
And there are some others that are available for purchase:
In the Second Baptist North Campus Bookstore:
*Andrea C Parker's cd,
including Carpenter's Clue, Let Us Pray, & December Rain
*James Eric Myers' demo cd,
including I Will Sing, No Regrets, Holding Me, I Hunger
Own Me ~ Splendorleaf (co-written w/Ian Ferrin)
Calling On You ~ Splendorleaf (co-written w/Brandon Hixson)
Let Us Pray ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/Yvonne Utz)
Carpenter's Clue ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/Andrea & Edwin Parker)
December Rain ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/ Mitch Townley & Stephen Miller)
I Will Sing, No Regrets, Holding Me, & I Hunger (co-written w/ James Eric Myers)
Stephanie Raymond picked up Own Me (co-written w/Ian Ferrin) & Me and Faith Hill
Q: Why don't you make a CD?
A: God hasn't put that on my heart. My desire is to honor God with the words of my heart and the meditation of my heart. Sometimes I work on the music, too, but I'm really not a vocalist. Fine in the choir, maybe. Ha.
Q: How do you write online?
A: Pray! Pray! Pray! We need the Lord to meet with us, in each and every co-writing session! Then we use Email, Instant Messaging, Facebook, GoogleDocs, Myspace, and even texting! Sometimes it's all of the above along with long phone calls! Or leaving messages on each other's phones, when we can't get to the computer to record an idea ;)
Q: How do you find time to write?
A: How do you find time to breathe? OK, so that's not a fair question, but it's similar. There's such an awareness of the songwriting "part" of me that it's almost a reflex. I rarely say "oh, I think I'll write a song today" just as we don't say "oh, I think I'll inhale today." It's a response to life, and at the same time, a release. It comes and goes like a breath of fresh air. But when I have a co-writing appointment, I get antsy and nervous and lack confidence. Our confidence must be in the Lord, that we are following His call. It's like He whispers in my ear: Child, in all humility, stand tall.
Q: Have you written a song for each of your nine kids?
A: That's in the process. December Rain was inspired by Stephen's birth on 9/11/01. Then when Liz left for a semester in Niger, I wrote Brave Heart. Ruth's graduation from high school launched Eyes of Blue. I do some others in the works, but it's better to wait til they're ready to share. Some are more of a comic relief than anything. Someday I'll share! I did write a lyric for my grandson, Jacob, called I Choose You, but the music isn't finished. Oh, and there's a Mama song, called Holiday from Being Mama that Mitch Townley & I wrote...we should finish that!
Q: Did your parents write songs? How about your kids?
A: My parents always had a song in their hearts. I miss my Dad...He went to be with the Lord in '07. Moma still sings to my kids on the phone. I have such a precious heritage, and I'm thankful for that! Hmmmm...the kids...the older ones seem to have a deep appreciation for my attempts to write. The younger ones? I think they're confused. The other day we were in a store and they heard an old classic song and one said to the other, "Don't sing so loud." To that, the little singer said, "We can sing it as loud as we want to...cuz Mom wrote that!" I do hope they will write, whether it's songs, books, poetry, journals, blogs, facebook statuses...the list goes on!
Q: Where can I buy your songs?
A: While I do offer a few free songs if you sign up as a fan @
And there are some others that are available for purchase:
In the Second Baptist North Campus Bookstore:
*Andrea C Parker's cd,
including Carpenter's Clue, Let Us Pray, & December Rain
*James Eric Myers' demo cd,
including I Will Sing, No Regrets, Holding Me, I Hunger
Own Me ~ Splendorleaf (co-written w/Ian Ferrin)
Calling On You ~ Splendorleaf (co-written w/Brandon Hixson)
Let Us Pray ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/Yvonne Utz)
Carpenter's Clue ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/Andrea & Edwin Parker)
December Rain ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/ Mitch Townley & Stephen Miller)
I Will Sing, No Regrets, Holding Me, & I Hunger (co-written w/ James Eric Myers)
Stephanie Raymond picked up Own Me (co-written w/Ian Ferrin) & Me and Faith Hill
Saturday, June 20, 2009
April 2009 Trip to Nashville
I can't believe it has taken me 2 months to write about this trip, but, as they say, better late than never!
Back in April, I had the opportunity to go to Nashville for some co-writing sessions and to attend the Dove Awards. Every detail fell into place as Barry and I considered the trip. I'm so thankful that he sees that songwriting is a ministry, and not just a little hobby on the side. Oh, and Barry didn't argue when my friend Jeannie offered to take me to the airport at 5:30am!!!! God has surrounded me with great people.
It was an uneventful flight, then, after renting my car, I headed to my first writing session. I had good directions. I had the map. Gotta love google maps! Perfect directions, usually. Easy to follow, usually. But I blinked. Missed a turn.
I should have known I'd gone too far when I got to Henpeck Lane. Right before my eyes: Henpeck Market. I kid you not! I don't even wanna go there!!! Not even!!! (Henpecking is one of my pet peeves...I guess I'll blog about that someday!!)
I found myself looking at the bright side: Getting lost with a cell phone is better than getting lost without a cell phone. Made the call. Turned around. Easily found the studio.
Writing with Benton Stokes & Dennis Dearing was a huge blessing. We sat and visited for a few minutes, then talked about how the Lord has been at work. The song quickly unfolded, and within a few hours, the guys were recording the worktape. I love love love the song. It's for Benton's next project. I can't wait to hear the new cd....someday! Such a joy to work with them. Sweet times...the Stokes/Dearing/Wilson writing session was brilliant hahaha...seriously, God met with was awesome to see Him at work. By the way, we met briefly last October at an awesome workshop called Write About Jesus.
You're in for a treat as you listen to songs from Benton's last cd Great stuff! With more to come!
At you can see the studio where we wrote...I was sitting near the computer :) Small world: Dennis' nephew was in the Sunday School class I taught in the late 80's!!!!
We went to lunch at Pancho's place in Franklin, then called it a day. Still needed a bridge for the song, but we'd have to write the rest on the phone or online!
I left there to go check into my room. Ended up calling my friend Andrea because I couldn't find the hotel. She's my remote GPS :) And, as always, she helped me find my way. It would help if businesses were required to post their street number, like in the good ol' days. ha. Sometimes you can go many blocks without any indication of what block number you're in! And huge neon signs would help, instead of those that comply to city specifications, no? I was driving around in circles, but it was the wrong circle. Haha
Then I headed to Green Hills Mall, to meet a JP & Irene Williams. But I got lost again. And my printout of Google maps didn't help. They'd left out one tiny detail, which sent me into downtown Nashville. I knew I needed help when I saw Music Row.
About that time, a new artist friend called me from Hope, Arkansas, asking for the lyrics to "Watch Over Me" and just thinking about Psalm 121 helped calm my nerves. I gave her my username & password so she could download anything her group needed for the studio. If my account is ever hacked, I'll know where to find her!
So, then I called JP and got directions to the mall. Drove around in circles, then found it! They were waiting patiently at Panera Bread, and we had a great visit. We aren't sure how we found each other online, but I'm thankful they are my friends. Everyone should read their story. They are both musicians, and excellent writers, but best of all, they are best of friends! I loved seeing their heart for God. So special! &
BTW, Green Hills Mall is THE place to meet people. I will have to remember that for next time. Just a few doors down, I met with Dean Newkirk, just to hear what the Lord's been doing in his life. I enjoyed getting to know Dean's ministry. Seems like most of our sentences kept ending with "only God could do that!" Don't ya just love God? Check out Dean's group @
Then I tagged along as he went to check out something new at the Apple store. I picked out my MacBookPro. It will certainly be a dinosaur by the time I decide to buy it in 2020, when our last child graduates from high school. :)
On the way back to my hotel, I was very grateful for unlimited miles on the rental car. I didn't see any signs saying "Welcome to Georgia", but I think maybe I crossed a few county lines!!!
I did find my way, no thanks to my GPS friend, Andrea, ahem, cuz she didn't answer the phone. Yes, I'm bitter, but better for it! OK, so a person does have to sleep, sometime, right? I forgive her. Just this once! I pulled over on the side of the highway, prayed, and after looking at the map again, decided to turn around. Thank You, Lord!!!
Next day, bright and early, I went to Alison Stevens' house for a co-writing session.. Alison & I met at IndieHeaven's CIA Summit a few yrs ago. What a precious heart!!! Not only did we have a special day, writing, reflecting on God's goodness and awesomeness and all, but we also loved on her little baby girl, Jaden. Jaden stole my heart...she's the same age as our grandson, Jacob, and the Lord knew I needed a baby-fix!!! I love love love the song we wrote, too. We'll share when the time is right (and we fill in the blank on that one phrase!)...worth the wait!!!

That afternoon, I met Benton for a quick bite to eat at the OpryLand Mall. We talked about our love for God, our families, ministry, music, and, yes, Tennessee! Then we walked across the street to the Dove Awards. There was no way to prepare myself for the evening. The music was excellent, and the evening was filled with surprises. There was a tribute to Dottie Rambo, and various artists filled the stage, singing songs she had written. I was glad to see Larnelle Harris, and called Barry so he could hear Larnelle singing "Oh Happy Day" :)
And, oh, yes...Natalie Grant was's a shot from the balcony:

But, wow, the awards ceremony was more worshipful for me than I'd expected. The music was excellent, as always. But during a commercial break, there was a prayer request made for Aaron & Amanda Crabb's 2 yr old daughter. Aaron & Amanda had received a call saying little Eva had fallen out of the 2nd floor. She was in the hospital, in critical condition. We prayed until the moment we were back on live tv. You can read Eva's story at a miracle that she survived!
Later, Stephen Curtis Chapman helped bring the evening into perspective, that everything we write & sing about is true. He and Mary Beth had tragically lost their daughter, Maria, last year ~ he was speaking from experience. Through the eyes of a parent, a child of God, and a writer. He encouraged us to continue to write, to sing, to let the Lord love the world through us. Here's info about the ministry the Chapman's have established in Maria's memory
As far as the awards go, it was so fun to be there to cheer for those nominated, and I even recognized a few winners :D It was great to see Sue Smith & her mom...we even got a picture.

Later, I saw Joel Lindsay carrying his 3 Doves. I offered to help carry them, and he posed for a picture.

I love their work. All the Write About Jesus workshop clinicians are awesome writers.
The next day, I had bfast with Brett Florence. He's an Indie Heaven artist that set a lyric of mine to music about a yr ago, so it was great to finally meet him. We mostly talked theology :) God, help me! hahaha But I was actually saying "Lord, help Brett" cuz I am NOT a theologian!!! showcases Brett's music.
Then I went by Regi Stone's studio for coffee. He & his wife, Kim, are so precious. You'd never know their talent. They are both so humble. That's one thing that I've really been encouraged by as I've gotten to know people in the Christian music industry. I hold Kim & Regi close to my heart, and look forward to what the Lord does in their ministries.
Lisa Gordon & Ericka Harvey met me for a quick lunch. It was nice to catch up with them...I think I met both of them thru Write About Jesus as well (another shameless plug?) ~ Lisa doesn't have her music online, but here's Ericka's
That evening I had dinner with a friend and his daughter. I've known Keith Melius since Jr Hi. That was a loooong time ago! He serves in a church there. Great to catch up on the last 25 yrs! ha! Keith & Bella showed me downtown Nashville & we ate at the Spaghetti Warehouse. Here's the new AT&T building. I think we should be part owners of AT&T, don't you?

Good friends...good times!
Well, I guess that's just about it. Maybe now I can start thinking about what happened in May, June & July!
Back in April, I had the opportunity to go to Nashville for some co-writing sessions and to attend the Dove Awards. Every detail fell into place as Barry and I considered the trip. I'm so thankful that he sees that songwriting is a ministry, and not just a little hobby on the side. Oh, and Barry didn't argue when my friend Jeannie offered to take me to the airport at 5:30am!!!! God has surrounded me with great people.
It was an uneventful flight, then, after renting my car, I headed to my first writing session. I had good directions. I had the map. Gotta love google maps! Perfect directions, usually. Easy to follow, usually. But I blinked. Missed a turn.
I should have known I'd gone too far when I got to Henpeck Lane. Right before my eyes: Henpeck Market. I kid you not! I don't even wanna go there!!! Not even!!! (Henpecking is one of my pet peeves...I guess I'll blog about that someday!!)
I found myself looking at the bright side: Getting lost with a cell phone is better than getting lost without a cell phone. Made the call. Turned around. Easily found the studio.
Writing with Benton Stokes & Dennis Dearing was a huge blessing. We sat and visited for a few minutes, then talked about how the Lord has been at work. The song quickly unfolded, and within a few hours, the guys were recording the worktape. I love love love the song. It's for Benton's next project. I can't wait to hear the new cd....someday! Such a joy to work with them. Sweet times...the Stokes/Dearing/Wilson writing session was brilliant hahaha...seriously, God met with was awesome to see Him at work. By the way, we met briefly last October at an awesome workshop called Write About Jesus.
You're in for a treat as you listen to songs from Benton's last cd Great stuff! With more to come!
At you can see the studio where we wrote...I was sitting near the computer :) Small world: Dennis' nephew was in the Sunday School class I taught in the late 80's!!!!
We went to lunch at Pancho's place in Franklin, then called it a day. Still needed a bridge for the song, but we'd have to write the rest on the phone or online!
I left there to go check into my room. Ended up calling my friend Andrea because I couldn't find the hotel. She's my remote GPS :) And, as always, she helped me find my way. It would help if businesses were required to post their street number, like in the good ol' days. ha. Sometimes you can go many blocks without any indication of what block number you're in! And huge neon signs would help, instead of those that comply to city specifications, no? I was driving around in circles, but it was the wrong circle. Haha
Then I headed to Green Hills Mall, to meet a JP & Irene Williams. But I got lost again. And my printout of Google maps didn't help. They'd left out one tiny detail, which sent me into downtown Nashville. I knew I needed help when I saw Music Row.
About that time, a new artist friend called me from Hope, Arkansas, asking for the lyrics to "Watch Over Me" and just thinking about Psalm 121 helped calm my nerves. I gave her my username & password so she could download anything her group needed for the studio. If my account is ever hacked, I'll know where to find her!
So, then I called JP and got directions to the mall. Drove around in circles, then found it! They were waiting patiently at Panera Bread, and we had a great visit. We aren't sure how we found each other online, but I'm thankful they are my friends. Everyone should read their story. They are both musicians, and excellent writers, but best of all, they are best of friends! I loved seeing their heart for God. So special! &
BTW, Green Hills Mall is THE place to meet people. I will have to remember that for next time. Just a few doors down, I met with Dean Newkirk, just to hear what the Lord's been doing in his life. I enjoyed getting to know Dean's ministry. Seems like most of our sentences kept ending with "only God could do that!" Don't ya just love God? Check out Dean's group @
Then I tagged along as he went to check out something new at the Apple store. I picked out my MacBookPro. It will certainly be a dinosaur by the time I decide to buy it in 2020, when our last child graduates from high school. :)
On the way back to my hotel, I was very grateful for unlimited miles on the rental car. I didn't see any signs saying "Welcome to Georgia", but I think maybe I crossed a few county lines!!!
I did find my way, no thanks to my GPS friend, Andrea, ahem, cuz she didn't answer the phone. Yes, I'm bitter, but better for it! OK, so a person does have to sleep, sometime, right? I forgive her. Just this once! I pulled over on the side of the highway, prayed, and after looking at the map again, decided to turn around. Thank You, Lord!!!
Next day, bright and early, I went to Alison Stevens' house for a co-writing session.. Alison & I met at IndieHeaven's CIA Summit a few yrs ago. What a precious heart!!! Not only did we have a special day, writing, reflecting on God's goodness and awesomeness and all, but we also loved on her little baby girl, Jaden. Jaden stole my heart...she's the same age as our grandson, Jacob, and the Lord knew I needed a baby-fix!!! I love love love the song we wrote, too. We'll share when the time is right (and we fill in the blank on that one phrase!)...worth the wait!!!

That afternoon, I met Benton for a quick bite to eat at the OpryLand Mall. We talked about our love for God, our families, ministry, music, and, yes, Tennessee! Then we walked across the street to the Dove Awards. There was no way to prepare myself for the evening. The music was excellent, and the evening was filled with surprises. There was a tribute to Dottie Rambo, and various artists filled the stage, singing songs she had written. I was glad to see Larnelle Harris, and called Barry so he could hear Larnelle singing "Oh Happy Day" :)
And, oh, yes...Natalie Grant was's a shot from the balcony:

But, wow, the awards ceremony was more worshipful for me than I'd expected. The music was excellent, as always. But during a commercial break, there was a prayer request made for Aaron & Amanda Crabb's 2 yr old daughter. Aaron & Amanda had received a call saying little Eva had fallen out of the 2nd floor. She was in the hospital, in critical condition. We prayed until the moment we were back on live tv. You can read Eva's story at a miracle that she survived!
Later, Stephen Curtis Chapman helped bring the evening into perspective, that everything we write & sing about is true. He and Mary Beth had tragically lost their daughter, Maria, last year ~ he was speaking from experience. Through the eyes of a parent, a child of God, and a writer. He encouraged us to continue to write, to sing, to let the Lord love the world through us. Here's info about the ministry the Chapman's have established in Maria's memory
As far as the awards go, it was so fun to be there to cheer for those nominated, and I even recognized a few winners :D It was great to see Sue Smith & her mom...we even got a picture.

Later, I saw Joel Lindsay carrying his 3 Doves. I offered to help carry them, and he posed for a picture.

I love their work. All the Write About Jesus workshop clinicians are awesome writers.
The next day, I had bfast with Brett Florence. He's an Indie Heaven artist that set a lyric of mine to music about a yr ago, so it was great to finally meet him. We mostly talked theology :) God, help me! hahaha But I was actually saying "Lord, help Brett" cuz I am NOT a theologian!!! showcases Brett's music.
Then I went by Regi Stone's studio for coffee. He & his wife, Kim, are so precious. You'd never know their talent. They are both so humble. That's one thing that I've really been encouraged by as I've gotten to know people in the Christian music industry. I hold Kim & Regi close to my heart, and look forward to what the Lord does in their ministries.
Lisa Gordon & Ericka Harvey met me for a quick lunch. It was nice to catch up with them...I think I met both of them thru Write About Jesus as well (another shameless plug?) ~ Lisa doesn't have her music online, but here's Ericka's
That evening I had dinner with a friend and his daughter. I've known Keith Melius since Jr Hi. That was a loooong time ago! He serves in a church there. Great to catch up on the last 25 yrs! ha! Keith & Bella showed me downtown Nashville & we ate at the Spaghetti Warehouse. Here's the new AT&T building. I think we should be part owners of AT&T, don't you?

Good friends...good times!
Well, I guess that's just about it. Maybe now I can start thinking about what happened in May, June & July!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matt 5:4
We are all surrounded by hurting people.
Where the pain is so great, so unbearable,
that there are times it is better to just be there.
Maybe to clean the house. Or maybe not.
Maybe to talk, or more likely, to not say a word.
Those times that a casserole or pie seems inappropriate.
All that's needed is the presence of someone who cares.
It may be from a distance,
but there is still comfort in knowing that there's a shoulder to cry on.
We are there right now.
***Several family & friends have suffered miscarriages recently. There are no words. Only prayers.
***We received word that my friend's husband passed away. John will be greatly missed by all who knew him. And Lynda is walking in the Shadow of the Almighty.
***Tuesday I learned that my childhood friend, Lisa's husband, Greg, had stopped breathing, and was in the hospital. He survived, and is back home now.
All of this makes me want to make my life count. Today. Not hoping for such and such to work out so that my plans and ambitions could amount to something. It really shook me up. We really, really don't know what tomorrow holds.
God made us to love deeply.
To care deeply.
And to hurt deeply.
May we never grow calloused to the needs around us.
We are all surrounded by hurting people.
Where the pain is so great, so unbearable,
that there are times it is better to just be there.
Maybe to clean the house. Or maybe not.
Maybe to talk, or more likely, to not say a word.
Those times that a casserole or pie seems inappropriate.
All that's needed is the presence of someone who cares.
It may be from a distance,
but there is still comfort in knowing that there's a shoulder to cry on.
We are there right now.
***Several family & friends have suffered miscarriages recently. There are no words. Only prayers.
***We received word that my friend's husband passed away. John will be greatly missed by all who knew him. And Lynda is walking in the Shadow of the Almighty.
***Tuesday I learned that my childhood friend, Lisa's husband, Greg, had stopped breathing, and was in the hospital. He survived, and is back home now.
All of this makes me want to make my life count. Today. Not hoping for such and such to work out so that my plans and ambitions could amount to something. It really shook me up. We really, really don't know what tomorrow holds.
God made us to love deeply.
To care deeply.
And to hurt deeply.
May we never grow calloused to the needs around us.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter treat!
There's a new man in my life. His name is Quinn. One of those ppl that you feel you've known your entire life! We met down by the piano, during church. Oh, ok. So, we were by the piano in the lobby. I'd already heard the message. He wasn't interested in hearing it, so we visited for awhile. He had no desire to hear the choir or praise band. He didn't even want to be in Bible study. You see, Quinn is only 7 months old! He's the most gorgeous non-Wilson baby I've ever seen. His big, bright eyes melted my heart! Quinn hadn't finished his nap, and had a little meltdown in the nursery. Thus our playdate on the lobby floor.
Well, about 10 seconds into the conversation with Quinn's dad, I realized I DID know Quinn. Well, sorta. My songwriting friend, Chad Boswell, had told me about someone he used to work with, Amanda, had moved to Houston recently. When Amanda and I became facebook friends, she told me that her family was planning to visit our church that week. I tried to meet her, but missed the chance each time. Still, we've kept in touch online for about a month.
Well, near the end of the service, along came Amanda, looking for her guys. My friend, Amanda. Oh, and her husband, Ben, is a keeper, too. We all visited for a loooong time after the service.
What a sweet surprise to finally get to meet my new friends :) Long live the meltdown!
Well, about 10 seconds into the conversation with Quinn's dad, I realized I DID know Quinn. Well, sorta. My songwriting friend, Chad Boswell, had told me about someone he used to work with, Amanda, had moved to Houston recently. When Amanda and I became facebook friends, she told me that her family was planning to visit our church that week. I tried to meet her, but missed the chance each time. Still, we've kept in touch online for about a month.
Well, near the end of the service, along came Amanda, looking for her guys. My friend, Amanda. Oh, and her husband, Ben, is a keeper, too. We all visited for a loooong time after the service.
What a sweet surprise to finally get to meet my new friends :) Long live the meltdown!
Friday, April 10, 2009
See the Cross
I woke up to a quiet heart this morning. Strangely quiet. Thinking about the day Jesus Christ was crucified, the darkness. The horror. That's how our lives are without the Light of Christ. Only God can go there, to that place in our heart. Until then, we are empty. Dead.
Look to the cross today. See the humanity of Jesus, and His humility. His glory & His authority. His mercy. His charity. He gave it all. What will you offer to Him today? I'm asking myself the same thing. I want to go there, with everything within me.
(c)2008 Words: Eva Wilson Music: Eddie Cavazos
See the cross touching earth, driven in the ground, (in the ground).
Je - sus Christ, Lamb of God speaks without a sound, (without a sound).
Whoa, oh, oh...humanity, whoa, oh, oh...His humility.
He gave up His life because of you and me.
See the cross pointing up, to the Father above, (the Father above).
Showing His Holiness, His power, and His love, (and His love).
Whoa, oh, oh...His glory, whoa, oh, oh...His authority.
But the darkness fell because of you and me.
See the cross stretching out, for the nations to know, (nations to know).
Reaching for the heart, where only God can go, (where God can go).
Whoa, oh, oh...His mercy, whoa, oh, oh...His charity.
Offering new life, He thought of you and me.
Look to the cross today. See the humanity of Jesus, and His humility. His glory & His authority. His mercy. His charity. He gave it all. What will you offer to Him today? I'm asking myself the same thing. I want to go there, with everything within me.
(c)2008 Words: Eva Wilson Music: Eddie Cavazos
See the cross touching earth, driven in the ground, (in the ground).
Je - sus Christ, Lamb of God speaks without a sound, (without a sound).
Whoa, oh, oh...humanity, whoa, oh, oh...His humility.
He gave up His life because of you and me.
See the cross pointing up, to the Father above, (the Father above).
Showing His Holiness, His power, and His love, (and His love).
Whoa, oh, oh...His glory, whoa, oh, oh...His authority.
But the darkness fell because of you and me.
See the cross stretching out, for the nations to know, (nations to know).
Reaching for the heart, where only God can go, (where God can go).
Whoa, oh, oh...His mercy, whoa, oh, oh...His charity.
Offering new life, He thought of you and me.
Pizza Dough Recipe
Best Dough in the World...can be used for pizzas, kolaches, or just a crescent-type roll
2 lg or 4 med pizzas
1 egg
1/2 cup mik, warm (microwave 45 sec)
4 cups flour (bread flour works best)
1/2 cup sugar (can use less)
pinch of salt
1 stick of butter/margarine, sliced
1 Tablespoon yeast
I use a bread machine, on the "first rise" setting, then use the dough as dough doesn't have to rise again, but rolls or kolaches need a 2nd rise, about 20-30 min.
If you don't have a bread machine, try working the dough for about 5 minutes, then let it rest about 15 minutes. Knead again for about 5 minutes, then rest for about an hour.
If using it for pizza, divide in half and use pie pans (be sure to spray with Pam). top with spaghetti sauce, mozarella, and your favorite toppings. Be sure to NOT overload want it to cook thoroughly:) Oh...bake in 425F oven for 10 min.
For rolls or kolaches, divide dough in half. Pat out the dough into a circle, then slicing it like a pizza, into 12 parts. Then you can sprinkle cheddar, mozz, provolone, or american and a little turkey, ham, sausage or beef...and roll it up, starting with the big end (outer edge).
Place rolls on Pam-sprayed cookie sheet. Let rise for about 20-30 min.
Bake in preheated 350F oven for 7-8 min, until golden brown.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Q&A's re: being a songwriting mama
I've recently had some questions trickling in, and a friend told me I should just blog about some of it. My walk with God has had some unexpected bends in the road, as He has led me into a songwriting ministry. I will try to address a few things in this note...hope this helps!!! :)
Q: Why don't you make a CD?
A: God hasn't put that on my heart. My desire is to honor God with the words of my heart and the meditation of my heart. Sometimes I work on the music, too, but I'm really not a vocalist. Fine in the choir, maybe. Ha.
Q: How do you write online?
A: Pray! Pray! Pray! We need the Lord to meet with us, in each and every co-writing session! Then we use Email, Instant Messaging, Facebook, GoogleDocs, Myspace, and even texting! Sometimes it's all of the above along with long phone calls! Or leaving messages on each other's phones, when we can't get to the computer to record an idea ;)
Q: How do you find time to write?
A: How do you find time to breathe? OK, so that's not a fair question, but it's similar. There's such an awareness of the songwriting "part" of me that it's almost a reflex. I rarely say "oh, I think I'll write a song today" just as we don't say "oh, I think I'll inhale today." It's a response to life, and at the same time, a release. It comes and goes like a breath of fresh air. But when I have a co-writing appointment, I get antsy and nervous and lack confidence. Our confidence must be in the Lord, that we are following His call. It's like He whispers in my ear: Child, in all humility, stand tall.
Q: Have you written a song for each of your nine kids?
A: That's in the process. December Rain was inspired by Stephen's birth on 9/11/01. Then when Liz left for a semester in Niger, I wrote Brave Heart. Ruth's graduation from high school launched Eyes of Blue. I do some others in the works, but it's better to wait til they're ready to share. Some are more of a comic relief than anything. Someday I'll share! I did write a lyric for my grandson, Jacob, called I Choose You, but the music isn't finished. Oh, and there's a Mama song, called Holiday from Being Mama that Mitch Townley & I wrote...we should finish that!
Q: Did your parents write songs? How about your kids?
A: My parents always had a song in their hearts. I miss my Dad...He went to be with the Lord in '07. Moma still sings to my kids on the phone. I have such a precious heritage, and I'm thankful for that! Hmmmm...the kids...the older ones seem to have a deep appreciation for my attempts to write. The younger ones? I think they're confused. The other day we were in a store and they heard an old classic song and one said to the other, "Don't sing so loud." To that, the little singer said, "We can sing it as loud as we want to...cuz Mom wrote that!" I do hope they will write, whether it's songs, books, poetry, journals, blogs, facebook statuses...the list goes on!
Q: Where can I buy your songs?
A: While I do offer a few free songs if you sign up as a fan @
And there are some others that are available for purchase:
In the Second Baptist North Campus Bookstore:
*Andrea C Parker's cd,
including Carpenter's Clue, Let Us Pray, & December Rain
*James Eric Myers' demo cd,
including I Will Sing, No Regrets, Holding Me, I Hunger
Own Me ~ Splendorleaf (co-written w/Ian Ferrin)
Calling On You ~ Splendorleaf (co-written w/Brandon Hixson)
Let Us Pray ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/Yvonne Utz)
Carpenter's Clue ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/Andrea & Edwin Parker)
December Rain ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/ Mitch Townley & Stephen Miller)
I Will Sing, No Regrets, Holding Me, & I Hunger (co-written w/ James Eric Myers)
Stephanie Raymond picked up Own Me (co-written w/Ian Ferrin) & Me and Faith Hill
Q: Why don't you make a CD?
A: God hasn't put that on my heart. My desire is to honor God with the words of my heart and the meditation of my heart. Sometimes I work on the music, too, but I'm really not a vocalist. Fine in the choir, maybe. Ha.
Q: How do you write online?
A: Pray! Pray! Pray! We need the Lord to meet with us, in each and every co-writing session! Then we use Email, Instant Messaging, Facebook, GoogleDocs, Myspace, and even texting! Sometimes it's all of the above along with long phone calls! Or leaving messages on each other's phones, when we can't get to the computer to record an idea ;)
Q: How do you find time to write?
A: How do you find time to breathe? OK, so that's not a fair question, but it's similar. There's such an awareness of the songwriting "part" of me that it's almost a reflex. I rarely say "oh, I think I'll write a song today" just as we don't say "oh, I think I'll inhale today." It's a response to life, and at the same time, a release. It comes and goes like a breath of fresh air. But when I have a co-writing appointment, I get antsy and nervous and lack confidence. Our confidence must be in the Lord, that we are following His call. It's like He whispers in my ear: Child, in all humility, stand tall.
Q: Have you written a song for each of your nine kids?
A: That's in the process. December Rain was inspired by Stephen's birth on 9/11/01. Then when Liz left for a semester in Niger, I wrote Brave Heart. Ruth's graduation from high school launched Eyes of Blue. I do some others in the works, but it's better to wait til they're ready to share. Some are more of a comic relief than anything. Someday I'll share! I did write a lyric for my grandson, Jacob, called I Choose You, but the music isn't finished. Oh, and there's a Mama song, called Holiday from Being Mama that Mitch Townley & I wrote...we should finish that!
Q: Did your parents write songs? How about your kids?
A: My parents always had a song in their hearts. I miss my Dad...He went to be with the Lord in '07. Moma still sings to my kids on the phone. I have such a precious heritage, and I'm thankful for that! Hmmmm...the kids...the older ones seem to have a deep appreciation for my attempts to write. The younger ones? I think they're confused. The other day we were in a store and they heard an old classic song and one said to the other, "Don't sing so loud." To that, the little singer said, "We can sing it as loud as we want to...cuz Mom wrote that!" I do hope they will write, whether it's songs, books, poetry, journals, blogs, facebook statuses...the list goes on!
Q: Where can I buy your songs?
A: While I do offer a few free songs if you sign up as a fan @
And there are some others that are available for purchase:
In the Second Baptist North Campus Bookstore:
*Andrea C Parker's cd,
including Carpenter's Clue, Let Us Pray, & December Rain
*James Eric Myers' demo cd,
including I Will Sing, No Regrets, Holding Me, I Hunger
Own Me ~ Splendorleaf (co-written w/Ian Ferrin)
Calling On You ~ Splendorleaf (co-written w/Brandon Hixson)
Let Us Pray ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/Yvonne Utz)
Carpenter's Clue ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/Andrea & Edwin Parker)
December Rain ~ Andrea C Parker (co-written w/ Mitch Townley & Stephen Miller)
I Will Sing, No Regrets, Holding Me, & I Hunger (co-written w/ James Eric Myers)
Stephanie Raymond picked up Own Me (co-written w/Ian Ferrin) & Me and Faith Hill
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
an anniversary of anniversaries

Marriage of Maude Nixon and Jim Ragsdale was March 15, 1924.
Today is a special grandparents' anniversary. I miss them...they've both been gone for many years.
It would be interesting to try to add up how many descendants they have. My mom has about 40 desendants. Her siblings don't have quite that many, but there were 7 of them...I guess that goes on my list of things to do in 2009.
May we never forget the sacrifice and dedication of our ancestors. Never. What a heritage...a good name is more desired than great riches! Agreed!
fam vacay, part 1
this day held adventure and excitement...there's no way to organize my thoughts, so I won't even try...enter my mind at your own risk!!!!
I'll start with the worst...skip the first line if you'd rather not know who/what/when/where/why someone got sick.
woke up at 5:40am to "Stephen threw up" ~ and we were at my mom's house ~ couldn't go back to sleep after cleaning it up, so I
wrote a song (actually re-wrote verses)'ll be good someday...well-worth the yrs of misery I'm dragging it thru then I
resisted a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and grands biscuits, but loved how David pulled up a chair while watching the bacon. my banana was delicious. we packed up and stood talking in the driveway a while then I
got in line behind my kids and nieces so I could tell uncle Jeff "It's my birthday, too"...he must have gone by the atm before coming by this morning, the way he was passing out the $'s!!! (it's not my birthday) Next we argued about who was riding with whom and
as we were pulling out of the driveway, I saw my mom's reaction to Ruth's hand motion which indicated she was gagging (you know what I mean) My sentiments, exactly, Ruth...the screamers need to ride in their daddy's van tomorrow!!! then we
listened to countless cd's, trying to find something that would put the little ones to sleep:) Stopped because we had to, but then
feared that we'd lose a kid or two at the huge travel center we stopped at and then learned that
the men's room was closed for cleaning. poor guys. no where else in sight.
Liz did jumping jacks in the ladies' room, for exercise. She is not my child. but
Jonathan, Michael, & his friend Josh are. they did a cool dance in front of the travel center...wonder if that made the manager want to get the bathroom opened sooner? next we
drove thru McD's and Liz said "I don't like burgers, but I want a double cheeseburger." To that, Hannah said, "You're just like me, girl!!!" She's 8. It just caught us off guard...I could barely order, from laughing.
almost every day, someone says we should have a tv reality show...once again, it happened as we checked in at the hotel. maybe we could call it "Big People, Little World" as it's feeling pretty tight but then again, we felt like little ppl in a big world as
we ran across a 5 lane highway to get to the jason's deli across from our hotel...some kids on piggybacks and
someone in jason's asked if I'd ever thought about being om a reality tv show.
no. absolutely not.
as we divided into elevators, to go back up to our rooms, I had to step over to the desk...I was looking for the nearest rock to crawl under as Jonathan, in his best Australian accent, cried out to me, "We're holding the elevator for you, dear mother, dear! Mother! Mother! Why won't you acknowledge me, Mother?!" as the elevator doors
closed. Yes, I suddenly forgot why I'd stopped at the desk. And I'm now in my hotel room, almost alone...multi-tasking...watching Disney and blogging in my sleep.
I'll start with the worst...skip the first line if you'd rather not know who/what/when/where/why someone got sick.
woke up at 5:40am to "Stephen threw up" ~ and we were at my mom's house ~ couldn't go back to sleep after cleaning it up, so I
wrote a song (actually re-wrote verses)'ll be good someday...well-worth the yrs of misery I'm dragging it thru then I
resisted a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and grands biscuits, but loved how David pulled up a chair while watching the bacon. my banana was delicious. we packed up and stood talking in the driveway a while then I
got in line behind my kids and nieces so I could tell uncle Jeff "It's my birthday, too"...he must have gone by the atm before coming by this morning, the way he was passing out the $'s!!! (it's not my birthday) Next we argued about who was riding with whom and
as we were pulling out of the driveway, I saw my mom's reaction to Ruth's hand motion which indicated she was gagging (you know what I mean) My sentiments, exactly, Ruth...the screamers need to ride in their daddy's van tomorrow!!! then we
listened to countless cd's, trying to find something that would put the little ones to sleep:) Stopped because we had to, but then
feared that we'd lose a kid or two at the huge travel center we stopped at and then learned that
the men's room was closed for cleaning. poor guys. no where else in sight.
Liz did jumping jacks in the ladies' room, for exercise. She is not my child. but
Jonathan, Michael, & his friend Josh are. they did a cool dance in front of the travel center...wonder if that made the manager want to get the bathroom opened sooner? next we
drove thru McD's and Liz said "I don't like burgers, but I want a double cheeseburger." To that, Hannah said, "You're just like me, girl!!!" She's 8. It just caught us off guard...I could barely order, from laughing.
almost every day, someone says we should have a tv reality show...once again, it happened as we checked in at the hotel. maybe we could call it "Big People, Little World" as it's feeling pretty tight but then again, we felt like little ppl in a big world as
we ran across a 5 lane highway to get to the jason's deli across from our hotel...some kids on piggybacks and
someone in jason's asked if I'd ever thought about being om a reality tv show.
no. absolutely not.
as we divided into elevators, to go back up to our rooms, I had to step over to the desk...I was looking for the nearest rock to crawl under as Jonathan, in his best Australian accent, cried out to me, "We're holding the elevator for you, dear mother, dear! Mother! Mother! Why won't you acknowledge me, Mother?!" as the elevator doors
closed. Yes, I suddenly forgot why I'd stopped at the desk. And I'm now in my hotel room, almost alone...multi-tasking...watching Disney and blogging in my sleep.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
my friend's book is available at Target, Amazon, & Barnes&Noble

My dear friend, Clive Berkman, is an award-winning chef who has written a wonderful story that you will find entertaining and inspirational, too!
It's not exactly a cookbook, but it is a must-read for anyone who, um, well, for anyone who has ever eaten, or will eat, or is eating right now!!!
After reading Empty Bottle Moments, take time to email Clive with your comments at Oh, and be sure to tell him I told you about his book!
If you click on one of these merchant links, it will take you straight to the book, where you can order online:
Barnes and Noble
Here's a short video clip, taken from
Empty Bottle Moments Intro from Clive Berkman on Vimeo.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Week's End
It was a busy weekend...I'll try to sum it up!
Friday night Barry & I went to see a condensed version of Shakespeare's The Twelfth Night at our community college. Our friend's daughter had the main role. She was amazing! I should have at least read the cliff notes of the play beforehand;) Next time, yes!
Saturday was a great day! Most of the families from Stephen's Upwards team were able to come over after the game. Barry grilled burgers & hotdogs, and we enjoyed visiting with the dads and moms as we all pitched in to corral the kids.
We learned that Stephen's coach served many years in the Navy. We all cracked up when he said "Commanding a battleship was easy compared to coaching 1st & 2nd grade basketball!" He had many interesting stories, including how he was involved in the search in Lake Nacogdoches after the shuttle was lost. He was based in Florida at the time. I hope he can get acquainted with Nacogdoches under better circumstances someday. Great little college town!
Ruth was home for the weekend. We had some good talks. I can't get inside her head. She is interested in being a social worker (maybe in NYC???) little girls are grown! Liz was in Memphis for an international missions conference. I can't wait to hear all about that! Next weekend I get to spend 2 nights with them! Counting down the days!!!
Well, the weekend is extended...Monday is President's Sale Day. Or something like that! No school til Tuesday!
Friday night Barry & I went to see a condensed version of Shakespeare's The Twelfth Night at our community college. Our friend's daughter had the main role. She was amazing! I should have at least read the cliff notes of the play beforehand;) Next time, yes!
Saturday was a great day! Most of the families from Stephen's Upwards team were able to come over after the game. Barry grilled burgers & hotdogs, and we enjoyed visiting with the dads and moms as we all pitched in to corral the kids.
We learned that Stephen's coach served many years in the Navy. We all cracked up when he said "Commanding a battleship was easy compared to coaching 1st & 2nd grade basketball!" He had many interesting stories, including how he was involved in the search in Lake Nacogdoches after the shuttle was lost. He was based in Florida at the time. I hope he can get acquainted with Nacogdoches under better circumstances someday. Great little college town!
Ruth was home for the weekend. We had some good talks. I can't get inside her head. She is interested in being a social worker (maybe in NYC???) little girls are grown! Liz was in Memphis for an international missions conference. I can't wait to hear all about that! Next weekend I get to spend 2 nights with them! Counting down the days!!!
Well, the weekend is extended...Monday is President's Sale Day. Or something like that! No school til Tuesday!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Country Songs
I should write songs about how David's car has broken down 5 times in the last month, but I just draw a blank, as it happened again today. Or maybe about the way it feels to see a 7 month old want to say Grammie when he sees me. Indescribable! Or about how oh-so-dear my family and friends are. And about answered prayers. But no. The light-hearted stuff has come more easily these days.
Here are the words to the new songs...critiques welcomed!!! It Ain't Always Easy, Me and Jesus, My Own Band...and then there's Run, Honey, Run...I think I'll wait and share that one once we have the music!
It Ain't Always Easy
(c)2009 Eva Wilson
It ain’t always easy ~ always bein’ right
Can hardly hold up my head all day, the sun is so bright
~ Shines right in my eyes
No, it ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
It ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
Me winnin’ every argument, you losing every fight
~A wimper and a whine
No, it ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
It ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
I gotta listen as you cry yourself to sleep each night
~While I hug my pillow tight
No, it ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
It ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
Seein’ ya beg me for forgiveness, Lord knows I’ll try
~Shug, you’re such a sight
No, it ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
It ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
Nuff said, I told you so, let me say it all polite
~You’re wrong all the time
No, it ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
My Own Band
(c)2009 Eva Wilson
You ~ keep looking at me like I don’t even know how to play
You ~ keep singin’ some notes that go ev’ry which a way
You ~ keep keepin’ on grinnin’ an’ laughin’ cuz you’re so vain
You keep callin’ me bro, cuz you don’t even know my name
I’m gonna start my OWN band
Play all over this WHOLE land
Goin’ where I wanna go
Singin’ where EV’ryone knows
MY name
MY game
MY fame
I’m gonna start my OWN band
I’ll ~ keep looking at you like you don’t even know how to play
I’ll ~ keep singin’ some notes that go ev’ry which a way
I’ll ~ keep keepin’ on grinnin’ an’ laughin’ maybe be so vain
I’ll keep callin’ ya bro, cuz I won’t even know your name
I’m gonna start my OWN band
Play all over this WHOLE land
Goin’ where I wanna go
Singin’ where EV’ryone knows
MY name
MY game
MY fame
I’m gonna start my OWN band
Giggin’ gigs
Diggin’ digs
Riggin’ rigs
Getting’ big
I’m gonna start my OWN band
Play all over this WHOLE land
Goin’ where I wanna go
Singin’ where EV’ryone knows
MY name
MY game
MY fame
I’m gonna start my OWN band
Well, that's it for now! Thanks for joining me for a few minutes!!!
Here are the words to the new songs...critiques welcomed!!! It Ain't Always Easy, Me and Jesus, My Own Band...and then there's Run, Honey, Run...I think I'll wait and share that one once we have the music!
It Ain't Always Easy
(c)2009 Eva Wilson
It ain’t always easy ~ always bein’ right
Can hardly hold up my head all day, the sun is so bright
~ Shines right in my eyes
No, it ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
It ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
Me winnin’ every argument, you losing every fight
~A wimper and a whine
No, it ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
It ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
I gotta listen as you cry yourself to sleep each night
~While I hug my pillow tight
No, it ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
It ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
Seein’ ya beg me for forgiveness, Lord knows I’ll try
~Shug, you’re such a sight
No, it ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
It ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
Nuff said, I told you so, let me say it all polite
~You’re wrong all the time
No, it ain’t always easy ~ always bein' right
My Own Band
(c)2009 Eva Wilson
You ~ keep looking at me like I don’t even know how to play
You ~ keep singin’ some notes that go ev’ry which a way
You ~ keep keepin’ on grinnin’ an’ laughin’ cuz you’re so vain
You keep callin’ me bro, cuz you don’t even know my name
I’m gonna start my OWN band
Play all over this WHOLE land
Goin’ where I wanna go
Singin’ where EV’ryone knows
MY name
MY game
MY fame
I’m gonna start my OWN band
I’ll ~ keep looking at you like you don’t even know how to play
I’ll ~ keep singin’ some notes that go ev’ry which a way
I’ll ~ keep keepin’ on grinnin’ an’ laughin’ maybe be so vain
I’ll keep callin’ ya bro, cuz I won’t even know your name
I’m gonna start my OWN band
Play all over this WHOLE land
Goin’ where I wanna go
Singin’ where EV’ryone knows
MY name
MY game
MY fame
I’m gonna start my OWN band
Giggin’ gigs
Diggin’ digs
Riggin’ rigs
Getting’ big
I’m gonna start my OWN band
Play all over this WHOLE land
Goin’ where I wanna go
Singin’ where EV’ryone knows
MY name
MY game
MY fame
I’m gonna start my OWN band
Well, that's it for now! Thanks for joining me for a few minutes!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Stop & Take a Breather
This journal should be called a Blur instead of a Blog. Sometimes I have tried to sit down and reflect on my day or week, and it's such a blur, I can't remember anything worthy of writing. But that's more of a reason for me to make myself do this, right? I could whine about how I've been held captive by the monstrous pile of laundry & dishes, but I guess I need to stop and take a breather.
Looks like I have a little catching up to do, since it's been almost 3 months! This blog is taken from my drafts...I had good intentions, but never finished it's a compilation blog:)
Thanksgiving: We have so much to be grateful for. At Barry's parents' we went around the room, telling what we were thankful for...the little ones pretty much said FOOD. The teens were all so happy that gas prices had finally dropped. Someone always says "I'm thankful for Jesus." Daniel grinned from ear to ear as Barry shared that he's thankful for our new additions of Candas and Jacob. Our hearts do swell up with gratefulness as we look back and clearly trace God's hand in our lives. Nothing we ever do in life is easy, right? But the journey is rewarding, if we are faithful.
Christmas was a whole different story! We squeezed Ruth & Liz back into the house, and I could almost hear the walls of our house gasping for air as we invited friends for sleepovers. Sweet times! But I have to admit something. There were times I wished we'd lose power for a few days, just to get to stop and talk and play games and burn candles (and batteries). I do long for time to stand still, but I want to choose the moment to freeze! Don't put me in the hospital, or worse, the laundry room, Lord!!! I wanna be sitting on the floor with my family when You give me another hour or two.
The holidays went too quickly, in many ways. But, well, there's always a but, isn't there? When I only had small children, people said things like, "Oh, you love kids? Just wait til they're teens. Then you'll think again." Well, I happen to love teens. So I wasn't totally shocked when we started having a few teens. But no one prepared me for the day when the adult children came home for the holidays. No one told me that I would grow insecure and inept as I listened to their debates and, well, er, arguments. I'm sure that every discussion they had was of utmost importance to them, but I was ready to forgive and forget before the first cross words was uttered. I do not like confrontation. I do not like it at all. I do not like it once and for all!
Next year, I will be away for the holidays. Possibly alone. Possibly in a far away place. But more likely in a corner of my house, wishing I had power over the tongue (and tongues!!!) Ha! Oh, by the way, if you'd tried to warn me that there would be challenges with grown kids, I would have said in my heart, "I just so happen to love adults!" I guess this love walks softly and carries a big stick. Haha.
We had a grand time with Barry's family on Christmas, then headed out to the Wallace gathering the next day. Barry & I usually plan the meal and buy the food for the crowd (don't worry...they pay us back). Never a dull moment, shopping for about 60 people. Oh, and the in-laws seem to get along the best, so we let them cook while us siblings sit around and play cards (or shop for last minute gifts, or stuff a pinata!!!). Nothing like traditions, right?
Then Michael's bday came. He's easy to please...just had some guys over for airsoft wars. He was my biggest baby (12lbs 12 oz) but has never been a very big he tells me he wants to be in wrestling this fall. Hmmm. What goes around, comes around!
Then Ruth's bday. Ruth brings me such joy. She's 19 now. Where does the time go? People tried to warn me about how fast the kids would grow, but I didn't appreciate that advice. Seems the days dragged by at the time. Sometimes it really stood still.
Ruth was a beautiful china doll baby, weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs 15 oz. She was born on a Sunday morning between Sunday School and the Worship Service (yes, we were at the hospital, but remember calling the pastor so he could announce her safe arrival). Anyways, she went to NYC after her birthday. Had a great time. But the day she was supposed to come home, the weather in Chicago bumped her flight. It turned out to be the same time that the Hudson River Miracle happened. I was just glad she wasn't in the air that day. Good for a mother's heart, to know that she was sitting in her hotel room with her friends, not at the airport, fearful, waiting to hear about the cause of the emergency landing.
I wrote a song about Ruth last year, as she graduated from high school. Not sure whether I shared it... here's the link...
Now it's February, which has been filled with YUCK around here. So tired of illnesses. But everyone is in school today, so I guess we're making some headway!
There's so much more to say...maybe tomorrow (more likely, next month???)
Oh, I have to add that I'm in a health program at church. The Bible study this week is centered around Hebrews 12. I'm stuck on v1, which says to "run with perseverance" and "throw off the things that hinder us." That is so hard for me. I'm finding that I like my baggage. Yes, I know I shouldn't. God is dealing with me about that. Last time I ran was in high school, and that was only because my brother, Randy, was in track. He "made" me run with him. And it wasn't a pretty sight. It didn't take long for me to get resourceful: if I tied my shoestrings really, really loose, I could stop and take a breather!
There's something wrong with me!!! But wait, isn't resourcefulness a character quality?
Looks like I have a little catching up to do, since it's been almost 3 months! This blog is taken from my drafts...I had good intentions, but never finished it's a compilation blog:)
Thanksgiving: We have so much to be grateful for. At Barry's parents' we went around the room, telling what we were thankful for...the little ones pretty much said FOOD. The teens were all so happy that gas prices had finally dropped. Someone always says "I'm thankful for Jesus." Daniel grinned from ear to ear as Barry shared that he's thankful for our new additions of Candas and Jacob. Our hearts do swell up with gratefulness as we look back and clearly trace God's hand in our lives. Nothing we ever do in life is easy, right? But the journey is rewarding, if we are faithful.
Christmas was a whole different story! We squeezed Ruth & Liz back into the house, and I could almost hear the walls of our house gasping for air as we invited friends for sleepovers. Sweet times! But I have to admit something. There were times I wished we'd lose power for a few days, just to get to stop and talk and play games and burn candles (and batteries). I do long for time to stand still, but I want to choose the moment to freeze! Don't put me in the hospital, or worse, the laundry room, Lord!!! I wanna be sitting on the floor with my family when You give me another hour or two.
The holidays went too quickly, in many ways. But, well, there's always a but, isn't there? When I only had small children, people said things like, "Oh, you love kids? Just wait til they're teens. Then you'll think again." Well, I happen to love teens. So I wasn't totally shocked when we started having a few teens. But no one prepared me for the day when the adult children came home for the holidays. No one told me that I would grow insecure and inept as I listened to their debates and, well, er, arguments. I'm sure that every discussion they had was of utmost importance to them, but I was ready to forgive and forget before the first cross words was uttered. I do not like confrontation. I do not like it at all. I do not like it once and for all!
Next year, I will be away for the holidays. Possibly alone. Possibly in a far away place. But more likely in a corner of my house, wishing I had power over the tongue (and tongues!!!) Ha! Oh, by the way, if you'd tried to warn me that there would be challenges with grown kids, I would have said in my heart, "I just so happen to love adults!" I guess this love walks softly and carries a big stick. Haha.
We had a grand time with Barry's family on Christmas, then headed out to the Wallace gathering the next day. Barry & I usually plan the meal and buy the food for the crowd (don't worry...they pay us back). Never a dull moment, shopping for about 60 people. Oh, and the in-laws seem to get along the best, so we let them cook while us siblings sit around and play cards (or shop for last minute gifts, or stuff a pinata!!!). Nothing like traditions, right?
Then Michael's bday came. He's easy to please...just had some guys over for airsoft wars. He was my biggest baby (12lbs 12 oz) but has never been a very big he tells me he wants to be in wrestling this fall. Hmmm. What goes around, comes around!
Then Ruth's bday. Ruth brings me such joy. She's 19 now. Where does the time go? People tried to warn me about how fast the kids would grow, but I didn't appreciate that advice. Seems the days dragged by at the time. Sometimes it really stood still.
Ruth was a beautiful china doll baby, weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs 15 oz. She was born on a Sunday morning between Sunday School and the Worship Service (yes, we were at the hospital, but remember calling the pastor so he could announce her safe arrival). Anyways, she went to NYC after her birthday. Had a great time. But the day she was supposed to come home, the weather in Chicago bumped her flight. It turned out to be the same time that the Hudson River Miracle happened. I was just glad she wasn't in the air that day. Good for a mother's heart, to know that she was sitting in her hotel room with her friends, not at the airport, fearful, waiting to hear about the cause of the emergency landing.
I wrote a song about Ruth last year, as she graduated from high school. Not sure whether I shared it... here's the link...
Now it's February, which has been filled with YUCK around here. So tired of illnesses. But everyone is in school today, so I guess we're making some headway!
There's so much more to say...maybe tomorrow (more likely, next month???)
Oh, I have to add that I'm in a health program at church. The Bible study this week is centered around Hebrews 12. I'm stuck on v1, which says to "run with perseverance" and "throw off the things that hinder us." That is so hard for me. I'm finding that I like my baggage. Yes, I know I shouldn't. God is dealing with me about that. Last time I ran was in high school, and that was only because my brother, Randy, was in track. He "made" me run with him. And it wasn't a pretty sight. It didn't take long for me to get resourceful: if I tied my shoestrings really, really loose, I could stop and take a breather!
There's something wrong with me!!! But wait, isn't resourcefulness a character quality?
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