Back in April, I had the opportunity to go to Nashville for some co-writing sessions and to attend the Dove Awards. Every detail fell into place as Barry and I considered the trip. I'm so thankful that he sees that songwriting is a ministry, and not just a little hobby on the side. Oh, and Barry didn't argue when my friend Jeannie offered to take me to the airport at 5:30am!!!! God has surrounded me with great people.
It was an uneventful flight, then, after renting my car, I headed to my first writing session. I had good directions. I had the map. Gotta love google maps! Perfect directions, usually. Easy to follow, usually. But I blinked. Missed a turn.
I should have known I'd gone too far when I got to Henpeck Lane. Right before my eyes: Henpeck Market. I kid you not! I don't even wanna go there!!! Not even!!! (Henpecking is one of my pet peeves...I guess I'll blog about that someday!!)
I found myself looking at the bright side: Getting lost with a cell phone is better than getting lost without a cell phone. Made the call. Turned around. Easily found the studio.
Writing with Benton Stokes & Dennis Dearing was a huge blessing. We sat and visited for a few minutes, then talked about how the Lord has been at work. The song quickly unfolded, and within a few hours, the guys were recording the worktape. I love love love the song. It's for Benton's next project. I can't wait to hear the new cd....someday! Such a joy to work with them. Sweet times...the Stokes/Dearing/Wilson writing session was brilliant hahaha...seriously, God met with was awesome to see Him at work. By the way, we met briefly last October at an awesome workshop called Write About Jesus.
You're in for a treat as you listen to songs from Benton's last cd Great stuff! With more to come!
At you can see the studio where we wrote...I was sitting near the computer :) Small world: Dennis' nephew was in the Sunday School class I taught in the late 80's!!!!
We went to lunch at Pancho's place in Franklin, then called it a day. Still needed a bridge for the song, but we'd have to write the rest on the phone or online!
I left there to go check into my room. Ended up calling my friend Andrea because I couldn't find the hotel. She's my remote GPS :) And, as always, she helped me find my way. It would help if businesses were required to post their street number, like in the good ol' days. ha. Sometimes you can go many blocks without any indication of what block number you're in! And huge neon signs would help, instead of those that comply to city specifications, no? I was driving around in circles, but it was the wrong circle. Haha
Then I headed to Green Hills Mall, to meet a JP & Irene Williams. But I got lost again. And my printout of Google maps didn't help. They'd left out one tiny detail, which sent me into downtown Nashville. I knew I needed help when I saw Music Row.
About that time, a new artist friend called me from Hope, Arkansas, asking for the lyrics to "Watch Over Me" and just thinking about Psalm 121 helped calm my nerves. I gave her my username & password so she could download anything her group needed for the studio. If my account is ever hacked, I'll know where to find her!
So, then I called JP and got directions to the mall. Drove around in circles, then found it! They were waiting patiently at Panera Bread, and we had a great visit. We aren't sure how we found each other online, but I'm thankful they are my friends. Everyone should read their story. They are both musicians, and excellent writers, but best of all, they are best of friends! I loved seeing their heart for God. So special! &
BTW, Green Hills Mall is THE place to meet people. I will have to remember that for next time. Just a few doors down, I met with Dean Newkirk, just to hear what the Lord's been doing in his life. I enjoyed getting to know Dean's ministry. Seems like most of our sentences kept ending with "only God could do that!" Don't ya just love God? Check out Dean's group @
Then I tagged along as he went to check out something new at the Apple store. I picked out my MacBookPro. It will certainly be a dinosaur by the time I decide to buy it in 2020, when our last child graduates from high school. :)
On the way back to my hotel, I was very grateful for unlimited miles on the rental car. I didn't see any signs saying "Welcome to Georgia", but I think maybe I crossed a few county lines!!!
I did find my way, no thanks to my GPS friend, Andrea, ahem, cuz she didn't answer the phone. Yes, I'm bitter, but better for it! OK, so a person does have to sleep, sometime, right? I forgive her. Just this once! I pulled over on the side of the highway, prayed, and after looking at the map again, decided to turn around. Thank You, Lord!!!
Next day, bright and early, I went to Alison Stevens' house for a co-writing session.. Alison & I met at IndieHeaven's CIA Summit a few yrs ago. What a precious heart!!! Not only did we have a special day, writing, reflecting on God's goodness and awesomeness and all, but we also loved on her little baby girl, Jaden. Jaden stole my heart...she's the same age as our grandson, Jacob, and the Lord knew I needed a baby-fix!!! I love love love the song we wrote, too. We'll share when the time is right (and we fill in the blank on that one phrase!)...worth the wait!!!

That afternoon, I met Benton for a quick bite to eat at the OpryLand Mall. We talked about our love for God, our families, ministry, music, and, yes, Tennessee! Then we walked across the street to the Dove Awards. There was no way to prepare myself for the evening. The music was excellent, and the evening was filled with surprises. There was a tribute to Dottie Rambo, and various artists filled the stage, singing songs she had written. I was glad to see Larnelle Harris, and called Barry so he could hear Larnelle singing "Oh Happy Day" :)
And, oh, yes...Natalie Grant was's a shot from the balcony:

But, wow, the awards ceremony was more worshipful for me than I'd expected. The music was excellent, as always. But during a commercial break, there was a prayer request made for Aaron & Amanda Crabb's 2 yr old daughter. Aaron & Amanda had received a call saying little Eva had fallen out of the 2nd floor. She was in the hospital, in critical condition. We prayed until the moment we were back on live tv. You can read Eva's story at a miracle that she survived!
Later, Stephen Curtis Chapman helped bring the evening into perspective, that everything we write & sing about is true. He and Mary Beth had tragically lost their daughter, Maria, last year ~ he was speaking from experience. Through the eyes of a parent, a child of God, and a writer. He encouraged us to continue to write, to sing, to let the Lord love the world through us. Here's info about the ministry the Chapman's have established in Maria's memory
As far as the awards go, it was so fun to be there to cheer for those nominated, and I even recognized a few winners :D It was great to see Sue Smith & her mom...we even got a picture.

Later, I saw Joel Lindsay carrying his 3 Doves. I offered to help carry them, and he posed for a picture.

I love their work. All the Write About Jesus workshop clinicians are awesome writers.
The next day, I had bfast with Brett Florence. He's an Indie Heaven artist that set a lyric of mine to music about a yr ago, so it was great to finally meet him. We mostly talked theology :) God, help me! hahaha But I was actually saying "Lord, help Brett" cuz I am NOT a theologian!!! showcases Brett's music.
Then I went by Regi Stone's studio for coffee. He & his wife, Kim, are so precious. You'd never know their talent. They are both so humble. That's one thing that I've really been encouraged by as I've gotten to know people in the Christian music industry. I hold Kim & Regi close to my heart, and look forward to what the Lord does in their ministries.
Lisa Gordon & Ericka Harvey met me for a quick lunch. It was nice to catch up with them...I think I met both of them thru Write About Jesus as well (another shameless plug?) ~ Lisa doesn't have her music online, but here's Ericka's
That evening I had dinner with a friend and his daughter. I've known Keith Melius since Jr Hi. That was a loooong time ago! He serves in a church there. Great to catch up on the last 25 yrs! ha! Keith & Bella showed me downtown Nashville & we ate at the Spaghetti Warehouse. Here's the new AT&T building. I think we should be part owners of AT&T, don't you?

Good friends...good times!
Well, I guess that's just about it. Maybe now I can start thinking about what happened in May, June & July!
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