Monday, October 29, 2007

Screeching Halt

Wrote this Saturday....forgot to post:)

Glad to be alive today. Alarm went off at 6 am. Doesn't my clock know it's Saturday, and I didn't have to get up until 7? Took one kid to work, and another to the Natural Science Museum. Not that I love work. We have a home business. More on that later. Not that I love science. I am certainly not a science buff. But the high school history teacher offered a 100 as a test grade, replacing the lowest test grade, for students who went to see Lucy.

On the way, the Houston traffic came to a screeching halt. For a few min we sat there, among other people who didn't know why they were sitting there, either. Great time to talk with my almost-16 yr old son. We are people watchers. It's amazing to watch the look on people's faces. Most were angry. Others puzzled. But all revealed a sense of being inconvenienced.

That's when the convo was launched. We talked about how our society is rushed. How we even hurry to have fun!

As emergency vehicles arrived, and we tried to merge parked cars in order to clear the way. My son & I looked around, wondering how many people were actually concerned about those involved in the accident. Did any of them even wonder "is that someone I know?" Or were they all on their cell phones, telling the coach they'll be late for the game, or informing the playgroup that they will be dreadfully delayed. Canceling a manicure? Trying to bribe a history teacher? I know there were many legitimate issues that had to be resolved for the hundreds of people. Jobs not getting done. Some going to visit someone in the hospital, etc.

But as we sat there (for a total of 45 min) I couldn't help but to think of how we often overlook the obvious. If I had been on that stretch of the road a few minutes earlier, it could have been me in the horrid wreck. 3 lanes & an exit were closed. Major accident. And if I wasn't IN the wreck, but simply saw it happen, I would have abandoned my complacencies to play EMT for a moment (unskilled, unexperienced, but available).

I soon phoned a friend, and asked about the wreck...indeed, it was a bad one.

Before the road was cleared, I realized that there were no tears in the cars around me. No one was upset that those in the wreck had been inconvenienced. They wouldn't make it to their soccer games, hospital visits, etc. Some may have not made it anywhere.

Let's not get so caught up in our own needs, wants, hopes, dreams, that we forget about those around us. Even strangers.

Let me challenge you to focus on someone else's needs today. Her preferences. His hopes. Their dreams.

And, pray. Lift someone up the'll be talking to the One who was inconvenienced for you. He'll understand.

Friday, October 26, 2007

closer than your heartbeat???

Never really thought about how close someone could get to me until I had kids...

Well, I should have given it more thought during the 88 months of pregnancy I've experienced. But no, that would have been too simple. (and, nope, that's not a typo. I'll explain at a later date. promise.)

Closeness. What does that feel like? I often think of the warm fuzzies I enjoy when someone remembers my birthday. Or when I get together with a friend for lunch.
Writing a song. Chatting online. Or cuddling up with a fave book, on a rainy day, no less! Or a slow stroll along the beach (NOT watching for pirate ships on the horizon, you know, quiet. No kids allowed).

Mama didn't tell me there would be days like THIS: close encounters of the
wierd kind!!! Woke up one morning and discovered that our 3 preschoolers had wedged into our bed. And they somehow managed to wriggle us into a diagonal configuration, causing my imagination to convince me that I was holding onto the edge of the boat, hoping not to fall overboard! I don't know how my hubby and I slept through that, but if you'll hang around for a minute, you'll find there actually ARE a few things that will awaken even the most seasoned Cap'n!!! (oh, sorry..can't resist...he was a Cap'n Crunched...I bad)

Let me give you a little background history. Hubby and I had been praying about getting a new bed. So we shouldn't have been surprised when our friend called "out of the blue" and offered a queen sized waterbed to us. They didn't need it anymore, since their son had moved off to college.

So that very day, we gave away a bunkbed from our sons' room. Moved our old bed into our girls' room. Moved the girls' old bed into the boys room ~ I don't know why we played musical bedrooms that day ~ probably because I was pregnant and hubby knew to not EVEN mess with me...etc etc etc. Maybe you know the routine.

Well, that fine morning, after our first night with a waterbed, we woke up with the 3 muskateers raiding our space. Fine and good...we'd hoped and prayed for those babies...we can deal with pinched nerves and headaches, from a poor night's sleep ~ because we love them, right?

It's what comes with babies, or out of babies, that is not so pleasant. Not talking about out of the mouths of babes. I thought for sure the Huggies hadn't pampered good enough, or the Pampers hadn't hugged very tight!!! Wasn't feeling much Luvs for my little tykes!!! Yick!!! And we're all in a giant puddle together!!! No compassion for each other...each man for himself! Abandon ship!!!

I have to admit something. I'd thought the worst of my kids. How could they do this to me? I wanted out of our relationship. Just for a split second. Only when I woke up, and saw them sleeping in gigantic puddle. Gargantuan puddle. Stupendous. Well, there are no words for how big that puddle was. Just only a moment, I needed to go to a far away place. Out. Please, give me an out.

You'll be glad to know that there was no need to make a kid walk the plank. As the story unfolds, we found out that the waterbed had been drained and folded and stored on the floor of the garage at our friend's house. In the garage where the puppy lived. Mean puppy. With teeth. Sharp teeth. Following me?

No longer wanted to escape. I suddenly wanted my kids, as I realized that it was not as bad as wasn't the BAD was just WATER...that's when we luv-ed, pampered and and shared huggies with enthusiasm! When we all realized we were all on the same side of the struggle...all in the same boat (which was not even sinking!!!) we came together as a team, scooping water out with pots, pans, and sippee cups, pouring it out the closest bedroom window!!!

That's how we are as friends, too, my friend. Maybe we think we're close when we get to have lunch. Or enjoy a long phone chat. Or send e-cards. Or remember each other's kid's birthdays and favorite foods and favorite colors and authors and artists and and and.

But the true closeness comes when we realize we're all on the same side of the struggle. All in the same boat (and it's NOT sinking)...we can work as a team, scooping out life's troubled waters with pots, pans, and maybe a teacup. Are you looking for the closest window? I am!!!

Aye, Aye, Matey!!!!