Wednesday, April 21, 2010

lyrically speaking....

we all agree that the music is extremely critical in a song, but let's talk about the importance of words...the lyric...sometimes when I'm writing, it just won't fly...I have to read down the lyric, as if it was a story...then if I'm singing, and start to say something that doesn't connect, like YOU really don't know the significance of, I try change modernizing a hymn..apply it...make it more personal

ps - my oh-so-wise friend, Sue C Smith recently said you shouldn't use a word in a song that you haven't used in the last 2 years...that very same day, my mom said bosom, and my son said, I'd like to add to Sue's counsel:

just because you've used a word in the last 2 years doesn't give you permission to use it in a song!

hey, I wonder if I'm the only one who noticed that bosom and hoodlum are a near rhyme?

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