Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oh, I forgot I had YOU!!!!

You know something? When I call my mom, I usually identify myself. Being the youngest of nine, and the mother of nine, I know how helpful it is to actually know who I'm talking with. Every once in a while, when I say, "Hi, Moma, this is Eva" she replies "Oh, I forgot I had YOU!!!"

Up until recently, I thought she was kidding.

Today I was nervous about running a few errands, as Grammie. I've been out of the baby routine for just a few years, but it's amazing how quickly I'd forgotten how to do things.

  • Like how to load a diaper bag. Last week I put everything except diapers in the bag. This week I almost poured bottled water into a 3 lb container of formula. There's a reason YOUNG people have babies.
  • Like, how to buy groceries for 11 ppl while feeding a two month old his bottle. Baby did fine. I guess I did, too. The true challenge was keeping all the women at the store from slowing me down! Could they not see that I was on a roll? I had 12 more rows to conquer! His happy disposition was not on my side. The more he cooed, the longer the other Grandmas stood in the middle of the aisle. Every aisle. And they had so many questions. And I had all the answers. Yes, he's mine! No, he's not mine! Well, yes, he's mine! I really would have had more kids, if I wasn't so exhausted. And so confused! By the time I was leaving, I was thankful I'd remembered to go thru the check-out.
  • Oh, and I'd forgotten how to carry a baby in a carrier and grin while swimming upstream in the high school hallway. It seemed simple enough, to drop the forgotten athletics clothes by the office. Actually, it wasn't so difficult to keep a smile on my face, as I was meditating on the fact that I need to drop off the stuff in my right hand, not the stuff in my left hand. Wonder what Michael's coach would have done if he'd brought baby Jacob to gym!!
Tomorrow I'll take Jacob with me to a dental appt for Hannah. If you happen to find a random baby in a waiting room, he's mine.

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