Monday, November 3, 2008

Praying on Election Day

Almost everyone I know has expressed concern about the "place" the USA is in. Fear of the future can paralyze us. Let's once again (and again again) place our faith in Christ. We can only find freedom through fear, through faith.

It's true that our country stands at a crossroads. But let me remind you, the future holds NO surprises for the Lord.

Yes, we need to continue to pray, even on Election Day. To pray in truth, not out of fear.

We need to go boldly to the throne. God is in control, and, either way the election goes, we as the body of Christ needs to be strengthened. We need to shine brighter, truer, clearer.

Let's remember Prov 21:1

The LORD controls rulers, just as he determines the course of rivers. CEV

Good leadership is a channel of water controlled by God; he directs it to whatever ends he chooses. The Message

and even:
The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. KJV

and let's never forget to cling to the God of this Scripture:

Some trust in chariots, some in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God. Ps 20:7 NIV

(whithersoever...put THAT in a song!!!)

Oh, speaking of songs, if you think about it, pray for Stephanie Raymond. Stephanie's love for God is infectious, and it's truly been a joy to get to know her! An added perk is that she has a beautiful voice! I was surprised to find out that she is including 3 songs I wrote/co-wrote on her new CD. On Nov 4, she plans to record You Say (Wilson/Zody), Own Me (Wilson/Ferrin), and Me & Faith Hill (Wilson).

Just another reason to pray ON Election Day!!!

1 comment:

lisi said...

woohoo! god is in control! love this.. :-)
he always holds his children, too.. i am grateful~
love you eva!
so glad to hear that stephanie is recording your tunes!! sooo cool! yeah! when she finishes, i'd love to hear! :-)
big hugs today eva! love, lis
(ha! just saw on the word verification, tropic) hahaha! love it