Thursday, October 9, 2008

A fly on the wall at my house? Enter at your own risk!!!

I had a worktape playing tonight after dinner, and accidentally left it (repeating) while I ran an errand.

It's the song with Tim Juillet. Tim has a very deep, piercing voice that obviously draws the listener.

At one point he sings "Only One, Oh, Holy One, You are the Only Holy One."

When I got home, what a joy to hear my daughter-in-law singing it, from upstairs (with depth, no less!!!)

Less accurately, I heard my 12 yr old, Jonathan belting out "Obe One, O Obe One, Obe One Kenobi"

Whehehehew!!!! Gotta love my life!!!


lisi said...

hahahahaha!!! i LOVE it!!
so made me smile, eva!!! love you!! big hugs.. and i love your songs friend.. we need to write again!! woohoo!!
love, lis

eva said...


yeah...there was something like a DANCING song we'd talked about:)

Trish said...

too funny!