Tuesday, August 12, 2008

this is NOT public knowledge!!!!

I kid you NOT!!! I read this on shoutlife today:

I am looking to relocate to the Nashville, TN possibly soon...and I am looking for a FULL TIME music minister/worship leader position. If you are in need or know of a church please contact me! Thanks!! I can submit a resume and of course you can hear my music on here!! LOL!

God bless!

then, this is added, as the author commented on his own blog:

this is NOT public knowledge...and it is still up in the air....I am looking for work outside of Evansville...cause nothing is happening here....DO NOT say ANYTHING to ANYBODY....it's only a thought we are having i am searching out leads in nashville only right now.

OK, am I missing something? Is the internet NOT open to the public?

(still laughing)

1 comment:

Andrea C. Parker said...

THIS IS NOT PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE - but if you want to look up someone all you gotta do is "google" them. I guess no one is "googling" him....